Dysfunkshunal Familee had alot of members, which can confuse the fans sometimes. The fans don't have time to keep up with large rap groups. Only the true fans do. The original members are D-Rock, Diverse, Braindead, Migraine, Rebel Rhyme, Amayss aka Uneek, Larry Thomas , Dj Skinny & me Bazarro. Now it's it's like down to three of us. Members come and go, LOL.
2 - How working session are organized? each write or do his part of job (scratch, rhymes ...) on his own side or do you all reunite in studio chillin and working all together ?
The way we make songs happens in many different ways. Now you can just email the beat. But most of the time we still record in the studio at the same time. That's how most of our old stuff and "Family Reunion" was recorded. I don't like the protools email me your verse technique but sometimes it's convienant. We hear a beat and it starts painting a picture for us to write. We all have many ideas to a beat until the best one fits..This can take a couple of minutes or a couple of days depending what type of beat it is. Some hooks u can scratch, some hooks u can just sample or we might sing our own hooks. We always try to change it around.
3 - How the "Reunion" happened ? i mean it's been a long time since DYSFUNKSHUNAL FAMILEE appeared on the Hip Hop scene and so what triggered the reunion after many years of silence.
The Reunion album came about at a block party on Braindead's old block. He said "Bazarro , man we need to get back together". And look, he not even on the album, lmao!! Then I bumped into Diverse and he said the same thing and he's only on one song on the album, go figure? lol. The thing that made me want to do a new album was the internet fans. They were fans from around the world we never knew about until the internet came to be. I'm not talking about millions of fans. Just enough fans to inspire me to make new music and release a new album to tell people look we stilll here and we still make good music. We can rock with the best of them. After I uploaded the "new ruff flava" video on you tube, all hell broke loose. We up to at least 101,074 views on that one video. Now if those same people went and bought the album , we would be on a serious world tour, lol. Plus I just have too many beats to sit on and Dj Skinny got beats. We already working on FAmily Reunion 2.0. - 1994
4 - What you hope to accomplish with this album?
We just wanted to make some good music with good lyrics and let Nas know that hip hop ain't dead. It's alive and well. We wanted people to know that good music is still out there. The radio use to play good music , now you have to find good music. The radio loves nonsense now so they can controll the masses to buy into more nonsense and make people stay ignorant and naive to what's really going on in the world. I call it "Distracting Music". We just wanna do what we love and live off the music to feed our families and help other people around the world. We just want people to know, we know what's going on in the world, the real world, not the plastic one. All the way from Wall Street to Broke Street. 85 percent of the world is deaf, dumb and blind so when we go against the grain we look like the crazy ones. That percentage needs to come down. How did making good music become corny now? When did shooting your mother in a rap record become cool? Why? and why is that the only thing getting played on the radio, oh and besides "girl i love u" records.. All day? come on! We just wanna be different, a breath of fresh air. I mean just for Premo to be showing us mad love playing the record, talking about the album. That means alot to us. Dj Eclipse helping us out..It means alot. We from Bushwick but we never get love from our own neighborhood, why? cause we on some real thinking for yourself shit. Knowledge of one's self. You really can't hang on the corner in the hood talking like that. Cause the streets or hood is really a ignorant state of mind. Let's be real about it, I mean, doing bad is cool? Dropping out of school is cool? Selling drugs going to jail is cool? Being smart is not cool? I mean come on. We trying to accomplish elevation of one's mind and still be yourself.
5 - About the instrumentals, how are the choices made? did you and Skinny composed some of them on the album? what sets them apart?
Sometimes me and Skinny can have the same ear to certain beats. I mean we been doing this since high school with Dj Evil Dee. We know a hot beat when we hear one. Most producers start out as dj's. You know what songs gonna rock the party or should rock the party. So that same formula is used for making beats. No we not gonna make party records all day. But we try to make good music for everybody. We pick , listen over and over again 1,000 times till we say, these are the songs that will make a album or mixtape.
6 - Through samples scratchs and even thanks to rhymes we can see a lot of hints and respects for the 90's Rap, are you nostalgic of a certain era?
I really don't like to put numbers on a place and time. I mean I'm not gonna make no space sounding music because people think this is the future so u make future sound music. This ain't the future. The future, ain't it suppose to be people thinking at the highest levels?.. I mean America is in three public wars, other secrets wars (CIA), people starving, the rich stay richer, the masses stay poor. What kind of future is this then? We make struggle music, stand up and think for yourself music. You can't put a year or number on that. Whether it's 1990's or the 1930's . Same wars, same struggle, higher taxes, lower wages, high inflation, the rent goes up and never comes down, more homeless people and people still dying in large masses at one time. Tell me what's futuristic about that? . I respect the elements of hip hop in which MTV, BEt, and VH1 try to make look corny now. I respect the pioneers of hip hop and the new cats who are about something. That's it. We dysfunkshunal, I hope to stay that way.

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